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"It was really big fun with good music!” (Christoph Gugger, Director, New Generation Theatre, Hamburg, Oct 2023)
"Great night again” (Michael Wheatley-Ward, Director, Sarah Thorne Theatre, Broadstairs, May 2023)
"the performance was thoroughly enjoyed and went down very well, lots of positive comments!!” (J Haggett, Organiser, Holt Hall, April 2023)
"Thanks for a wonderful performance. As always a Zany Show full of fun with music and comedy. Everybody is asking how you keep going for the whole performance and can still smile at the end. Your energy is unbounding plus the fact you are a very friendly bunch of guys. We look forward to another show in the near future. "THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH" for a splendid evening!!!!" Ian Smith, (Organiser, All Soul's Church, Folkestone, Oct 2022)
"Thank you so much to the LPSO for a hilarious afternoon at the Platform in Morecambe. If anyone sees them advertised anywhere and loves good, proper humour, then go along and see them - highly recommended entertainment..." Stevie Jones Barker (Oct 2018)
"Excellent entertainment... such talent and energy!" David Bateman, (The Platform, Morecambe, Oct 2018)
"Wonderful bril fab show in Morecambe. My sides still hurt from laughing, I've not laughed like this for years." Dave Brew, (The Platform Morecambe, Oct 2018)
"I found the show really funny, fast and happy... lots of fun..." Ann Harding, (Arts co-ordinator, Victoria Hall, Settle, Oct 2018)
"...a great show. It was a highlight of mine for the year..." Richie Cawley (Manager, Penzance Acorn Theatre, Oct 2018)
Ein buntes Feuerwerk aus musikalischer Komödie und feurigem Rhythmus - The London Philharmonic Skiffle Orchestra auf Gastspiel in Hamburg und Buxtehude – zwei Nächte, die das norddeutsche Publikum mit Sicherheit nicht so schnell vergessen wird. Die Kostüme sind kunterbunt und es gibt viel mehr Instrumente auf der Bühne als vier Personen in der Lage sind, gleichzeitig zu spielen. Die Musik ist so mitreißend, dass es niemanden auf seinem Stuhl hält (auch wenn er es noch so sehr versuchen würde). Diese vier sehr speziellen und liebenswürdigen Engländer – Mike Martin, Martyn Oram, Ronald Regan and Ian Durrant alias Captain Cabbage – sind exzellente Musiker und präsentieren eine lebendige, passionierte, meisterhaft gespielte und amüsante Show, die keine Sekunde langweilig wird. Gespielt wird neben Violine, Gitarre, Banjo, Mandoline, Akkordeon, Bass und Schlagzeug und anderem alles was fähig ist, ein Geräusch von sich zu geben: Koffer, Waschbrett, Säge, Knietrompete, Löffel und sogar Frösche und Hunde. Bereichert wird die Show durch Stargäste wie Roy Orbison, dem englischen Königshaus, Nana Mouskouri und einem imposanten Zorbas, der ihr den Hof macht bis ihr heiß wird, und vielen anderen. Wundervolle Musik, Komödie, Parodie, Slapstick und schwarzer Humor treffen hier aufeinander… was für eine Mischung! Verspielt, lebendig und fröhlich, voll Spaß und Freude, herrlich parodistisch und politisch inkorrekt, dazu eine wunderbar eingängige und mitreißende Musik… Sollte jemand vergessen haben, wie man lacht und sein Leben genießt, sollte er diese Show besuchen. Es hilft! PS: Ein nicht ganz ernst gemeinter Hinweis: Sollten Sie einen Hund mit Verdauungsproblemen zu Hause haben, bringen Sie ihn bitte mit. Die vier Herren sind auch exzellente Tierärzte.) Nue Generation Theater (Hamburg) & Kulturforum (Buxtehude) - A. Falk (February 2018)
(A colourful fireworks of musical comedy and fiery rhythm - The London Philharmonic Skiffle Orchestra on stage - two nights in Northern Germany, the audience will never forget. More instruments on stage than four men can play at the same time, more costumes and colours than a human eye normally sees all together and a rhythm, that doesn´t hold anybody of the audience in his chair (even not if he would try very hard). These four very special and charming Englishmen – Mike Martin, Martyn Oram, Ronald Regan and Ian Durrant alias Captain Cabbage – are most excellent musicians, presenting a passionate, masterly and funny show that never gets boring. Along with violin, guitar, banjo, bass and percussion, everything is played what is able to make a noise: suitcase, washboard, saw, knee trumpet, spoons or even frogs and dogs. With „star guests“ like Roy Orbison, the Royal family, Nana Mouskouri and the Great Zorbas (who is soooo deep in love with her that she gets hot) and many others. Wonderful music and comedy meets slapstick, parody and black humour … what a mixture! Playful, lively and lighthearted, full of fun and joy, a great parodistic and heartwarming political incorrectness and a wonderful moving and stirring music … If anybody should have forgotten how to laugh and enjoy his life, he should come to this show – it helps! PS: A not completely seriously meant hint: If you should have a dog with digestion problems, just bring him along. They are excellent pet doctors too…)
"Excellent show last night, you must come back. I don't know where you get the energy!" (Michael Wheatley-Ward, Artistic Director Sarah Thorne Theatre, Broadstairs; Oct 2017)
"An avowedly old-fashioned sort of show, this ... the Phils are a riot of colour, with innumerable changes of ridiculous sub-clown costumes throughout ( including the absolutely least erotic striptease the world has ever seen). And the array of instruments is colossal ... aside from a wide array of normal instruments, there are such musical eccentricities as sousaphone, bass banjo, knee trumpet (you had to be there), saw, watering can, even insecticide sprayer. The humour is fairly basic, and some of the jokes are museum pieces, but what impresses most is the sheer energy, skill and versatility of the musicianship – driving the show along to its faster and faster, and dafter and dafter climax. Lots of fun." John Christopher Wood (Rondo Theatre, Bath Comedy Festival, April 2017)
"From the first appearance of the four artistes it was obvious that we were in for an evening that would be very different! Their bizarre costumes and the effervescent humour of their introductory number set the tone for the whole evening. What was impressive was the sheer variety of what was on offer. We enjoyed a constant battery of humour; sometimes visual, sometimes wittily verbal, often corny but always clever. We were delighted by a seemingly endless series of slickly managed changes of costume. Almost every number was accompanied by a change into new and ever more outlandish dress, suited to the mood or style of the piece being played. The band’s exceptional musical skills meant that we heard a wide variety of instruments. Thus the percussionist not only played the washboard and the drums but also the keyboard, the spoons and the musical saw! The bass player – a banjo bass rather than a string bass – also played a sousaphone and the bagpipes. Not only was there variation in the sound, we also heard a tremendous diversity of music. The long standing ovation at the end of the concert was testament to the fact that the large audience had experienced an evening of pure enjoyment." Robin Curtis (Holy Trinity Church, Broadstairs, Feb 2017)
"Brilliant cabaret at Lakeside last night ... had them rocking in the aisles ... impressed, not only with your humour but your talent. Duelling banjos was a tour de force. Thank you so much for making it a great, memorable, entertaining evening." Malcolm Treen (Chairman Frimley Park Hospital Radio, Sept 2016)
"What a talented group you are! Your music was so expertly played and so well performed. Your show in Ilford was immensely enjoyable and I loved every minute and cried with laughter at your antics and parodies" B. Dooley (Kenneth More Theatre, Ilford, February 2016)
"What an immensely entertaining and fun band LPSO are, and moreover, incredibly talented musicians. Love them !!!" Sandy Slaughter (Pamber Heath, January 2015)
"I love your band. Great fun!" Rick Wakeman (Water Rats 125th. Anniversary Ball, Grosvenor House, London, November 23rd. 2014)
"Thats because they hate you here. I bet they chase you with sticks!" HRH Prince Phillip The Duke of Edinburgh (during a private reception at Buckingham Palace, November 13th. 2014, when told by Mike Martin that the LPSO work abroad a lot.)
"Thank you for being my choice at the People's Choice Festival. GREAT NIGHTS ENTERTAINMENT !" Steven Laffoley-Edwards (Deputy Director, Stage & Events, Jersey Arts Centre, St Helier, October 2014)
"I was lucky enough to witness your indescribable and inimitable clowning, wit, agility, vocal talent, lyrical ingenuity, instrumental accomplishment and sheer sense of fun! ...... there is absolutely no chance of any of us forgetting what an amazing time we had! You were brilliant! I shall now study your gig list and forward details to anyone I know who lives within a million miles of your future venues. Thank you so much for your ability to cheer up the world!" Sally Barrett (Commemoration Hall, Huntingdon, September 2014)
"Auf der Bühne sieht es ein bisschen aus wie auf einem Flohmarkt. Neben Kabeln, Mikrophonständern und Instrumenten stehen zwei Koffer auf einem Trolley, daranhängen Autohupen, Glocken und Blumen. An der Wand lehnt ein Waschbrett und darüber hängt neben anderem Kram ein Huhn aus Gummi. Vier Herren gesetzteren Alters im Frack, mit Union-Jack-Westen und Wuschelhaarperücken betreten die Bühnen. "Why this ugly hair?". Ein Griff ins üppige Haar und die Perücken fliegen hinter die Bühne. Darunter offenbaren sich wenig Haar oder eine den Perücken ähnliche Pracht. Einmal kurz die Hupe gedrückt, die Instrumente in die Hand genommen und los geht die Show des London Philharmonic Skiffle Orchestra, ein zweistündiges Feuerwerk erstklassiger Musical Comedy mit Wurzeln in Skiffle Music und Folk. Da ruft Luciano Pavarotti mit gewaltigem Bauch zu den Klängen von Nessun Dorma nach mehr Pizza, tanzen "Banana" Mouskouri und ein imposanter Demis Roussos den Sirtaki, klagt die singende Säge, quäkt die Hamburger Knietrompete. Wir erfahren, wie die mückengeplagten Finnen den Volkstanz "Humppa" erfanden, und ein von Blähungen geplagter Dackel entpuppt sich als virtuos gespielte Trompete. Schräg und very British, humorvoll und gekonnt. Ein wenig erinnert das an Monty Python, kein Fettnäpfchen wird ausgelassen, aber bevor es peinlich und platt wird, kriegen die vier circus- und comedyerfahrenen Vollblutmusiker Mike Martin, Martyn Oram, Captain Cabbage und "The Right Horrible" Ronald Regan immer rechtzeitig die Kurve. Eine unvergesslicher Abend. Gerne wieder!" Christoph Gugger (Veranstaltungsmanager, New Generation, Hamburg, Germany January 2014)
"LPSO - er et uovertruffent show-band med forskellige genre af musik og en total crazy fremføring på scenen, så smilet hos publikum holdes fast under hele koncerten - og latteren vil ingen ende tage!" (The LPSO are an unsurpassed show-band with different genres of music and a totally crazy delivery on stage - the smiles in the audience are held firmly during the entire concert - and the laughter never ends!) Jørgen Christensen (Director, Slangerup Jazz Festival, Denmark, August 2013)
"Fantastik, godt og underholdende show" (Fantastic, good and entertaining show) Marianne Holm (Café Frederiksberg, Aalborg, April 2013)
"Sjoveste program hidtil" (Funniest programme so far) Christoffer Larson, (Radio Aalborg, April 2013)
"Det kunstneriske niveauer af disse kunstnere er ekstremt højt i denne genre af musikalske comedy, og numre og vitser går rigtig godt også med det danske publikum, da den britiske humor er meget godt forbundet med danske. Og så er de tilmed glade for marineret sild!" (The artistic levels of these performers are extremely high in this genre of musical comedy, and their act goes down really well also with the Danish audience, since the British humour is very well connected with the Danish. And they even like pickled herring) Soren Lindholt Hansen (Aalborg Blues Festival Artistic Director, April 2013)
"Ein echtes Glanzstück englischer Spielfreude und musikalischer Begeisterung erlebte das Publikum im April 2013 im "Deutschen Haus" in Appel. Die "London Philharmonic Skiffle Orchestra" bewiesen bei zahlreichen Liedern, den lustigen Moderationen und Zwischentexten, der Einbeziehung des Publikums und in immer neuen Rollen und Kostümen ihre musikalische Viel-seitigkeit, Virtuosität auf vielen Instrumenten und den Spaß an ihrer Musik." (The Deutsch House in Appel witnessed a real gem of English playfulness and musical enthusiasm in April 2013. The London Philharmonic Skiffle Orchestra gave a wonderful and incredibly versatile performance where the presentation, the way the audience was involved by the musicians and the breathtaking virtuosity and skill in acting and performing made the night an outstanding event to remember) Karsten Marquardt (Appel, April 2013)
"The four piece got the audience giggling and clapping right from the start ... singing about various countries, pets, mosquitoes and even viagra. Each song saw new props, costume changes and general tomfoolery, so it kept everyone on their toes throughout the evening ... a sort of music and circus hybrid. The LPSO are clearly a talented bunch and, despite going to this on my own, time seemed to fly past as I laughed my way through their set" Lucienne Simpson (at Roses Theatre, Tewkesbury, 8/11/12)
Latterkrampe og lattertårer Når latteren stod så høyt og lenge på Iris Scene må jeg innrømme at jeg ikke husker. London Philharmonic Skiffle Orchesrta krydret ikke bare til Bluesfrokosten, men hele Blueshelga! Bandet består av fire gale engelskmenn som er kjent for å ha "rasert" konsertsteder rundt omkring i Europa med deres vanvittige, uforutsigbare påfunn og crazy humor. Nå kan de føre Odda på deres liste over konsertsteder der publikum faller av møbler i latterkrampe. Klovneriet forentes med en musikalitet innenfor alle tenkelige og utenkelige musikkgenrer, der medlemmene gjerne byttet på alle instrumentene og andre diverse ting på scenen som kunne lage lyd. LPSO tok sitt publikum med på flere reiser gjennom mange land verden rundt i musikalsk form, med en historie av noe slag som, ja, de fleste kunne kjenne seg igjen i. Andre artigheter ble også fremført som disse multiartistene kan finne på å lage sang og show utav. Her kan det nevnes diverse dyr og typer av forskjellig dans. (Laughing and laughing tears. I do not remember when the laughter was so loud and long at Iris Stage. The band consists of four crazy Englishmen who are known to concert venues around Europe with their frenzied, unpredictable antics and crazy humour. Now they add Odda to their list of venues where the audience falls off furniture laughing. Clowning united with a musicality in all imaginable and unimaginable musical genres, whose members often switched on all instruments and other various things on stage that could produce sound. LPSO took their audience on several journeys through many countries around the world in musical form, with a history of some sort, that yes, most could recognize themselves in. Other fun devices were also performed by these multi artists to create song and show. Here it may be mentioned various animals and different types of dance) Steinunn Torsteindottir (Odda Blues Festival, Norway, Sept 2012) http://oddablues.no/nyheter/bluesfrokost-med-humor.aspx (also includes many live photos and a short video)
"Thank you for a great evening on Friday. It was fantastic to see the room full and, standing at the back, I could clearly see how much people were enjoying themselves. What a show!" Andy Gibbs (Manager, British Schools Museum, June 2012)
"Many thanks for an ELECTRIC evening" Michael Wheatley-Ward (Memorial Theatre, Broadstairs, Jan 2012)
"Such an amazing show. We shall all remember your outrageous antics on stage, silly costumes, your musical versatility and your ability to read the audience. A night of fun, frivolity, energy and hilarity together with amazing musical dexterity. Come back to Cornwall soon please." Helen Fletcher (Organiser, Tremayne Hall, Mylor Bridge, Nov 2011)
"Bonkers Skiffle Orchestra delights admiring audience. Energetic, colourful, bizarre, hilarious, uplifting - theatrical costume changes and jokes amid a cacophony of musical styles brought howls of laughter from an appreciative audience." Brentwood Gazette, 20/4/2011 |
"They are spectacular musicians. It's mayhem, but it's great entertainment" David Price (Director, Exchange House, Blackmore, April 2011)
"What a fabulous evening of entertainment the LPSO treated us to. The format certainly worked well and everyone who attended was full of praise not only for your musicianship but also the way in which you entered into the spirit of the event so well. In the words of one attendee “in 20 years of attending City events I can say that I have never seen anything like it; it will go down as one of our special memories, for all the right reasons”. Julian Squire (Master,Worshipful Company of Upholders, March 2011 )
"I don't recall ever having as many favourable comments about a band as we have had about you" Dom Wills (Artistic Director Burnham-on-Sea Folkfest, Sept 2010)
"You coped magnifiently with our weird television ways" Dawn Payne (Producer, The 5 O'Clock Show, Channel 4, July 2010)
"Their wacky humour is legendary" Live & Local Rural Touring Arts, Oct 2009
"The New Rope String Band on steroids!" Keith Donnelly, Banbury Festival, Oct 2009
"I haven't laughed as much for years!" Vera Aspey, Fylde Festival, Sept 2009
"The LPSO combine zany madcappery with faultless musicianship" Ian McGlynn (Art Director - The Rondo Theatre, Bath, March 2009)
"A fantastic night of musical zaniness - our audience loved it." Will Wollen (Artistic Director, Theatre Royal, Margate, April 2008)
"MUSICAL CHAOS" Musically talented snakes, dogs and pigs greeted an audience at the Cornerhouse. A high-energy and fast paced performance complete with jokes and costumes. Surrey Comet, 27th February 2008 |
"They're brilliant !" Merrily Powell (Artistic Director, Wharf Theatre, Devizes, February 2008)
A sell-out audience enjoyed a scintillating
performance of the unique LPSO. Four very talented
multi-instrumentalists, wearing colourful costumes. A thoroughly
enjoyable evening - fun, funny and entertaining.
Essex Chronicle, 7th February 2008 (review of Maldon Town Hall) |
It was a terrific show and we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. I am still in awe of the LPSO, what a fantastically talented group you are - I was lost in admiration for Martyn's fiddle playing and your banjo routine - absolutely brilliant and long may you reign. It was a slick, professional show that blew everyone away..... It was only as I was getting ready for bed last night that I got the Fox Hat gag! I tell you, I nearly choked on my toothpaste - which just goes to show what a terrific pace you were going at - there was enough energy being generated on that stage to power the national grid for a fortnight. Fabulous - and congratulations again on a terrific evening.
Chris Emmett (Water Rat's Theatre, March 2007)
"Don't miss the renowned and unforgettable LPSO" Alton Events, Jan 2007
If you didn’t come to this gig on 26 Jan, you missed a great night. The LPSO are fine musicians, who can busk a variety of styles, from classical, through East European gypsy, folk, Irish, to skiffle. They are also a good laugh and like to dress up. Dick, the bass player, is the straight man, the two Martins are funny, while percussionist Captain Cabbage has licence to be a complete nutter.
Geoff Cowie (Cannonlive, Jan 2007)
They're more than a wee bit zany ... might we suggest that you take one step back from the stage before this mob set up? They are barking, these boys. And there's nothing wrong with that!
Milton Keynes Today, Jan 2007
For those of you who have not heard of this illustrious group, perhaps I should explain what you can expect. Four, er, gentlemen? Just this side of insane. Four very talented musicians who play a variety of instruments from the more traditional violin, double bass, mandolin, etc, through the slightly quirky washboard and saw to a duck, rubber chicken and frog. Throw into the musical mix an eclectic dress code that changes seemingly randomly throughout the evening, music that moves so fast that you can barely catch your breath, stir in a large dose of wacky humour and you get the flavour of this group. Dick Deciduous almost literally props up the manic behaviour of the group with his large bass, whilst Captain Cabbage allows his more eccentric take on life full rein. Somehow the two Martins (Mike Martin and Martyn Oram) steer a clever path through the craziness with superb musical talent. All round a very enjoyable evening – it just all seemed to be over too quickly! Well done to the LPSO, for providing a show of excellent quality and value.
Anthea Dore (Medstead Hall, Jan 2007)
"The L.P.S.O. just blew away our packed audience at the Centenary Centre, Peel with their show on 18th of February, 2006. They must be one of the best acts we have had here on the Isle of Man. It was a show full of fun, great music, performed by very talented musicians who are not only multi-instrumentalists, they play each instrument amazingly well! We have had many requests to bring them back, so it looks like another full house when they return!"
Ernie Leece (Director, Centenary Centre, Peel Isle of Man,
February 2006)
"The LPSO took The Tower by storm on Friday night with their eclectic musical mix. The spirit of skiffle is alive and kicking, despite the fact that the band just about manage to hit all points of the musical compass! It might all be rollicking good fun, but make no mistake, these guys really can play, and some of the tunes rattle along at an incredible lick! Comic songs, an excellent rapport with the audience, between songs patter and the timely introduction of comic props keep the show moving along nicely. Everybody came out with a smile on their face, and that to me spells 'good gig'; keep up the good work lads!"
John Tellett (Director, Tower Arts Centre, Winchester, April 2005)
Thanks for putting on a great show for us – The audience really enjoyed it. It was just the right thing to round off Friday night with a bit of well played silliness.
John & Moira Wirtz (Organisers Didmarton Bluegrass Festival, October 2006)
"A fantastic evening ... I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The way all four of you interact with each other and the audience was a joy to watch."
Richard Ryan (Events, Hampshire County Council, October 2006)
Thank you all so much for performing for us last night. We have had several phone calls, an email and some face to face with villagers and everyone has enthused about the evening’s entertainment. One guy who lost his wife 18 months ago was almost in tears when he expressed his thanks at being included in the evening. He said the music made him so happy it was like being young again. The consensus from everyone who saw you last night was one of great admiration of your musical skills and comic ability while playing so many different instruments. All we can say is one great big THANK YOU.
Gloria and Nigel Goodliffe (Event organisers, Longparish Hall, Hants, October 2006)
"The audience feedback has been excellent and everyone enjoyed listening to your versatile skills"
Pat Speed (Organizer "Porton and Idmiston Village Hall", March 2006)
(THE STAGE 18th November 2004)
"The absolute highlight of this year's festival was the LPSO from Britain"
"In the music of this British band you can feel the fine Celtic influence ....... also songs from Louisiana and Texas, then surprising the audience with their sombreros and mariachi, skifflestyle. As fast as they take us to the West, they take us back to the East with a pure Cossack atmosphere. Their roots are in their wild approach.
The packed audience was instantly taken to a new higher level - it goes without saying that their annual appearance at the festival is an expected necessity."
(KESKISUOMALAINEN 26th July 2004, review of Kihveli Soikoon, Hankasalmi, Finland)
"The most interesting things in this year's festival were The Czech Zoltan and the London Philharmonic Skiffle Orchestra ...
...a very energetic stage performance was given by the British band, the LPSO. The band started it's performance with a new song in which it mentioned that it's good to be back in Hankasalmi. The audience were in complete agreement.
The good humoured show of the band was skiffle music at its best - 'There's someone in the audience who's not smiling - he must be dead !' joked the band"
"A Great Show" Suzanne Yeates (Artistic Administrator Henley Festival 2004)
Cromer Folk Festival 2004
(THE STAGE & TELEVISION TODAY review of Civic Hall, Stratford Upon Avon performance on 13/11/01)
"The LPSO created a really wonderful
atmosphere with their very fast banjo and violin playing
The whole band played extremely well
Martyn Oram with his violin took the atmosphere to the roof."